
In the Autumn of 2022, we commissioned a green audit of the company by Green Element. On the back of their report, we, as a team, have chosen three key areas where we feel we can best reduce our impact on the environment. These areas are: Energy, Waste & Training. While no business, especially a retail business, can claim to be truly sustainable, we can pledge to do our best. And that is exactly what we are doing. Across 2023 & 2024, we plan to implement change in the following areas of the business: Energy, Waste & Training

In addition to our commitment in the areas above, we also have a number of other initiatives already in place in our attempt to be greener:

Our building is run on a biomass. We have a plant room at the back of the main building which houses a large boiler that runs on locally sourced wood pellets. This provides all the heating we need, hot water and under-floor heating.

Coffee Grinds
All of the coffee grinds from the Food Market and Garden Café are used to make compost for the garden.

We recycle all of our plastics, cardboard, paper, glass and our food waste is separated from general waste and then composted.  The garden team are trialling recycling of black plant pots and trays, as black plastic doesn't get picked up in the recycling process.

Beach Cleans
We are blessed to live by the beach in such a beautiful part of Scotland and every year our team take part in a beach clean with the charity Fidra. 

Reusable Cups
In a move to encourage people away from single-use cups, we offer anyone bringing their own cup 20% off takeaway hot drinks.

Refill Station
We’ve signed up to be a Refill Station, meaning that customers and passers by can pop in to have their reusable water bottle filled up free of charge.

Used Oil
All of the oil used in our kitchen is uplifted by our supplier Olleco who turn it into biodiesel for  use in commercial fleet vehicles.

We’ve installed motion-sensitive lights around the building ensuring areas are only lit while people are in them. Our external lights are on timers which are adjusted with changing light throughout the year.

Recycled Paper
All of our office paper is recycled and sustainably sourced.

Dead Hedge
Waste garden matter which cannot be composted is used to bolster our dead hedges.

Plant Recycling
Dead plants composted and root balls reused to fill up planters.

Peat Free Compost
All of the composts we sell in our Garden Shop are peat free! 

Cycle Scheme
We recently joined Cycle Scheme, offering our employees the opportunity to buy a bike, pay it off across the course of a year and make a large saving at the same time. We hope this encourages our staff to consider cycling to work.

Staff Mugs
Ceramic mugs are used by staff enjoying hot drinks throughout the day, with single use takeaway cups very much discouraged.

Loyalty Cards
These are printed on cotton cards made from recycled t shirts!